14 mukhi Rudraksha

₹ 25,000.00

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    • FlagProudly Made in India
    • FlowerHolistic Well-being
  • Brands: 14 mukhi Rudraksha
  • Product Code: 14_MKHRD_7742
  • Availability: Out Of Stock
  • Short Description:

    • A Rudraksha with fourteen faces is God Srikantha Himself.
    • It gives Moksa liberation to all the kith and kin of past generation and its wearer himself attains moksa

Usually delivered in 8-10 days

  • This Rudraksha belongs to Fourteen Vidhya ( Art or skill).
  • This Rudraksha opens the opportunity of fourteen Vidhya to the wearer of this Rudraksha.
  • The wearer of this Rudraksha get success in all of his works. This Rudraksha make the wearer sharp and intelligent. It removes all the sins and the wearer get the Moksha (liberation) in the end.
  • This is said by Bhagwan Datta Treya in the meditation of Lord Shiva.If a man always wears on his head or arm a Rudraksha with fourteen mouths, the mass of Sivas's power, he is always honored and approached by gods due to the greatness of this religious merit.
  • Sacred Hymn for the 14 Mukhi Rudraksha is OM NAMO NAMAH

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